TDWG 2018

SPNHC+TDWG Joint Conference - Dunedin, New Zealand

Image by Joshua Harris

In 2018, TDWG met jointly with the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) in Dunedin, New Zealand. The meeting was hosted by the Otago Museum and held on the adjacent University of Otago campus.

The TDWG portion of the conference website, particularly the session details, is still available. Abstracts for individual presentations and posters were published in our journal, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards. Abstracts for the 2018 SPNHC Conference are available in BISS as a parallel collection.

SPNHC+TDWG 2018 Program (PDF, 10 MB)

The full website can be viewed via the Internet Archive.