Time and Place

The purpose of the Time and Place Functional Subcommittee is to establish a six year rolling plan for the hosting of TDWG meetings, which seeks to expand the influence of TDWG whilst retaining and increasing its core membership base. It is aiming at expanding the TDWG community, maintaining existing community, maintaining functionality of interest and task groups, and taking advantage of funding for hosting opportunities.

Image by Nathan Dumlao


The purpose of the Time and Place Functional Subcommittee is to establish a six year rolling plan for the hosting of TDWG meetings, which seeks to expand the influence of TDWG whilst retaining and increasing its core membership base. It is aiming at expanding the TDWG community, maintaining existing community, maintaining functionality of interest and task groups, and taking advantage of funding for hosting opportunities.


  1. Develop a broad planning document for location and timing of conferences for the next 6 years
  2. Develop process and documents for:
    1. seeking expressions of interest
    2. lodging expressions of interest for hosting conferences
    3. selection of conference locations and times
    4. detailed submission by preferred host for final acceptance



As provided in the Constitution (Art 7), this charter may be revised by the the TDWG Executive Committee to better meet any changes in the needs of the organization. Changes to the charter must be posted for open consultation and comment by TDWG member for at least 21 days prior to approval.

Membership and structure

The chair shall be elected by the TDWG membership. The chair is responsible for appointing sub-committee members and a deputy chair. The Functional Subcommittee shall contain between 3 and 7 members. The Functional Subcommittee may call on external, expert assistance as required.

Meetings and quorum

The Functional Subcommittee shall convene by teleconference (e.g. over Skype) at least two times per year. A quorum of any meeting of the Functional Subcommittee shall consist of a majority of its current members.

Agenda, minutes, and reports

The Functional Subcommittee chair, in collaboration with the deputy, shall be responsible for establishing the agendas for meetings. An open issue tracking system will be used (e.g. GitHub issues) to ensure transparency of work and for assignment of tasks.

Contact us

If you are interested in hosting a Meeting or have any questions, please send an email to the Time and Place subcommittee.