Fundraising and Partnerships

The purpose of the Fundraising and Partnerships Functional Subcommittee is to work together with the TDWG executive committee as well as TDWG task and interest groups to submit and implement competitive funding bids and improve the position of TDWG in the international landscape through strategic partnerships at international, regional, or national level.

Image by Yoel Kamara




The purpose of the Fundraising and Partnerships Functional Subcommittee is to work with the TDWG executive committee as well as TDWG task and interest groups to submit and implement competitive funding bids and improve the position of TDWG in the international landscape through strategic partnerships at international, regional, or national level.


On behalf of the TDWG Executive Committee the Functional Subcommittee will undertake work related to the following objectives:

Scientific fundraising

  1. Horizon scanning at regional and international level, for the identification and assessment of funding opportunities, associated with:
    1. Research and innovation supporting funds
    2. Coordination and support funds for international organizations;
  2. Preparation of bids and consortium development activities;
  3. Act as the TDWG liaison group in multi-partner projects, providing facilitating access to TDWG resources and acting as Task or Work Package leader, where necessary;
  4. Lead in writing tasks for the development of funding proposals.

Other fundraising

  1. Work together with relevant Functional Subcommittees to prepare material for the engagement of organizations to support corporate fundraising activities;
  2. Set out a short and mid-term strategy and action plan for corporate and wealthy individuals engagement;
  3. Implement tasks according to the action plan.


  1. Identify and engage with international organizations to strengthen the position of TDWG and raise its international profile;
  2. Maintain a registry of stakeholders based on alignment of strategic interests with TDWG.
  3. After consulting with the TDWG Executive Committee, submit for signature to TDWG chair and monitor the implementation of memoranda of understanding or other non-legally binding collaboration documents with identified stakeholders;
  4. Assign representatives for the participation in business meetings of collaborating organizations.



According to TDWG Constitution, the charter may be revised by the the TDWG Executive Committee according to the strategic priorities of the organization. Changes to the charter will be put up for open membership consultation for 30 days prior to approval.

Membership and meetings

The Functional Subcommittee will be convened by the directly elected from the TDWG membership chair of the Functional Subcommittee. The chair shall be elected by the TDWG membership. The chair is responsible for appointing sub-committee members and a deputy chair. The Functional Subcommittee will operate with 5-7 members.

The Functional Subcommittee will convene on a regular basis, at least every three months through physical or online meetings. The chair or deputy chair will also be able to call for an ad-hoc meeting or workshop to address urgent matters.